Carly looking very small and feeling her humanity in Joshua Tree National Park
How do I know I'm feeling my humanity so very deeply? Well, usually I feel a swell of tears or energy. I feel awe. I feel so incredibly fortunate and intertwined with the energy around me. Some of this is going to sound 'hippie-dippie' and that's because it is. This is what fuels me to make, to create, to connect. If you try some of these, or have others to add, let me know what they are :)
connecting with my dog, Momo, or any other creature for that matter
being around trees and watching them sway
making something with my hands
sitting in a cold stream or under a waterfall
the tiredness i feel from spending all day outside
laying in the sun, bonus if I can hear water rushing
making coffee or tea to share
identifying plants or mushrooms
walking barefoot in the woods
watching the sunlight pool and dapple into warm pockets with soft blue shadows
tasting new food
listening to people laugh
listening to people connect in a language I don't know
seeing a child fall asleep on their parent's shoulder
holding my love's hand
running and eventually falling into the ocean
music from string instruments
human voices singing in harmony
watching someone who is "in the groove"
finding connections between people, ideas, concepts, etc.
holding your friend when they're having a day/being their shoulder
being held when I'm having a day
skiing in the woods with my friends
being the teacher and being the student
playing silly games with friends and making up our own
looking at the stars
These are just a few that came to mind. It feels good to make this list, and I can feel a little bit of that human-ness arise as I jot each one down. I hope you find some time to feel your own human-ness today, and if you feel inspired to share what makes you feel that, I'd be honored to hear them.
Be well,
Carly, I am a friend of your mom. You have a great perspective in both your writing and your art! Keep doing you! Awesome 👏